Pearls 101: 5 Awesome Facts about Pearls

Pearls are extremely fascinating! Not only due to their outstanding beauty but also because where they come from and how they are made.  It is simply amazing to think that those delicate beads that we wear on come from an oyster in the sea. As a child, did you ever wonder where they came from?

Here are 5 awesome facts about pearls that you will enjoy!

FACT #1: Did you know that pearls are the only gemstones made by living animals? Something so special comes from a living and breathing creature.

FACT #2: Did you know that Akoya, or saltwater pearls come from oysters, but freshwater pearls come from mussels? Bonus: Did you know that all mollusks can make pearls. read more

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What Are The Benefits Of Freshwater Pearls?

There are a number of different benefits to buying freshwater pearls. We will look at some of the benefits of opting for freshwater pearls when making your next jewelry purchase and you will find out exactly why so many people before you made the exact same decision.

Their affordability

Despite the fact that a great deal of the production of freshwater pearls comes from China, we can find them across the globe. Because they are more abundant than saltwater pearls, freshwater pearls are less expensive. If you keep in mind that freshwater pearls can be just as beautiful as the more expensive option, you may appreciate why so many believe this is the largest benefit. The more affordable options mean that many more people can find pearls in their price range. read more

How Are Freshwater Pearls Made?

Both buyers of pearly jewelry creations and jewelry designers the world over has become enamored with freshwater pearls. However, there is still some mystery when it comes to freshwater pearls, most specifically how these are different from the ‘traditional’ pearls and how these freshwater pearls are made. We will try to offer some knowledge on the subject.

The name

The name freshwater pearl comes from the type of water where these pearls are produced. The fresh waters for pearl production may include Asian pearl farms, ponds, lakes, and rivers. Many of these freshwater pearls come from China, the country with the largest freshwater pearl production in the world. read more

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History Of The Freshwater Pearl

Many people have only recently become aware of freshwater pearls, but these beautiful creations have been around for centuries. The first groups of people to culture a product from freshwater mussels were the Chinese. The first known recorded citation that mentions pearls is from China as well and dates back to 2200 BC. However, the Chinese used shell mabes instead of true pearls. Japan thus holds the distinction of being the first country to produce cultured freshwater pearls.

Japan takes over

After the Japanese’s initial success with cultured saltwater pearls, they decided to experiment with freshwater mussels. The first experiments were done in Lake Biwa, a large lake near Kyoto. Around the 1930s, the first commercial freshwater pearl crops began to appear here. These all-nacre Biwa pearls were able to produce colors unmatched in saltwater pearls. The luminescent depth and luster quickly became popular. read more


Are Freshwater Pearls Worth The Purchase?

We get this question quite often – ‘are freshwater pearls worth the money?’ The answer is simple – absolutely. There are several reasons that these pearls are worth a second look.

Freshwter pearls contain more nacre

When drilling the freshwater pearl, the mantle tissue used to nucleate the pearl is drilled out or dissolved. This means that you have a solid pearl that does not have any immediate flaws, meaning it can last you a lifetime. You buy a quality pearl that does not contain the nucleus in the finished product. This guarantees that freshwater pearls have a unique, glassy luster that you cannot find anywhere else. read more

The new era of pearls – the Edison pearl

Until a few years ago, freshwater pearls with a size of 10 millimeter or more might sound too good to be true. Fast forward a few years, and the Edison pearl has made those large pearls a reality. These Edison pearls are the latest development in the Chinese freshwater pearl production. At the time of writing, only three pearl farms are making Edison pearls.

What about the details of these pearls?
These pearls are relatively innovative and large, but what about the quality of these pearls? Can these pearls compare to what shoppers have become accustomed to? We will break down the specifics about these Edison pearls. The shape is usually round to slightly off-round. As with most freshwater pearls, you should not expect a perfect round shape for every pearl. read more

Pink Pearls Jewelry

Romantic and lovely are just two words that describe pretty pink pearls jewelry. Pink pearl jewelry simply radiates femininity like no other. There is no match to this timeless classic. Pink pearl jewelry brings together the timeless elegance of a classic pearl with the delicate blush of alluring pink.

There are so many ways to wear pink pearl jewelry!
In the office, add pink pearl jewelry to your power suit to remind them all that you are indeed a woman. Whether you choose a necklace, bracelet or earrings, pink pearl jewelry will add an air of feminine beauty. read more

Akoya Pearls Jewelry Information

Akoya pearls jewelry is simply the best. Akoya jewelry is sought after and prized by some of the most discriminating jewelry collectors all over the world.

Lustrous Akoya pearl jewelry is beautiful to wear for any occasion. From the office to a casual lunch, Akoya jewelry is just the right touch of elegance and class. For that special or formal event, nothing makes a statement like the perfect piece of Akoya pearl jewelry. There’s simply nothing like it!

The wonderful luster and glow of Akoya pearl jewelry makes it one of the most popular and classic jewelry pieces world-wide. read more

Black Pearl Earrings

Pearls are seen as symbols of love and beauty, and no woman is more beautiful than when she is wearing black pearl earrings. These gems are seen as incomparable, exotic and mysterious.

Produced in the warm waters of the South Pacific in French Polynesia, the black pearl is among the largest of all pearls and make excellent earrings and they can be matched with a necklace, ring or other jewelry. Tahitian pearls are considered the most popular pearl in the world. Earrings made with these luminous, black pearl earrings are treasured for their rich, deep colors and perfectly round shape, that really stand out in a crowd. read more

Akoya Pearl Necklace

Akoya pearl necklaces can be found in just about every well-dressed woman’s wardrobe thanks to the work of Mikimoto, the father of modern pearl cultivation. A simple stand of pearls is often passed down through the generations from mother to daughter.

A necklace of Akoya pearls is seen by many women as a rite of passage, usually given on the girl’s sixteenth birthday. The beauty of a pearl necklace is that it can be worn successfully on nearly all occasions, from a very formal affair to the most casual. Pearl necklaces are popular in single, double and even multiple stands, depending on the event to which a woman will be wearing them. read more