Choosing The Perfect Pearl Graduation Gifts For Your Daughter

pearl graduation gift idea

There are many milestones that your daughter will be faced with over the coming years.  The first one will be her graduation from high school.   Just like with other important events in her life such as turning 18 or 21 we like to mark these with a gift.   When it comes to your daughter graduating why not present her with something beautiful that will last for years to come. A piece of wonderful pearl jewelry as a memorable graduation gift will definitely make a statement.

graduation ceremony

Pearls are the only gemstones that are produced by a living animal.  It takes time for these beautiful stones to form as layer upon layer of nacre needs to build up and which helps to give pearls in say a pearl necklace or pearl pendant their beautiful luster.

Just like pearls, education is layered and each year your daughter attends school provides them with another year of knowledge until graduating from high school takes place.   It is their studies at high school that help them get the skills required to lead a more productive life, whether they choose to seek employment or choose to enrol on a university course.

A pearl necklace or a set of pearl earrings will make the perfect graduation gift for your daughter or even granddaughter.  Not only are they beautiful, but also they will have them for the rest of their life.

pearl graduation gift

But it is important to remember that any piece of pearl jewelry reflects your daughter or granddaughter’s personality.  So choosing the right piece for them will probably be your biggest challenge.  You cannot go wrong with buying her an elegant necklace made up of a single row of pearls.

But these days you have so many different styles, designs, shapes and colours of pearls to select from.  So finding pearl jewelry that really suits your daughter or granddaughter’s tastes and personality shouldn’t prove at all difficult.

Why Buy Pearls As A Graduation Gift?

Each year in the USA throughout May and June, high school and college students will enjoy the thrill of walking on stage to then be presented with their diplomas.  Family and friends will be there to witness this event and what could be more wonderful if you were to take the time to select a beautiful piece of pearl jewelry that they can wear on such an important day in your daughter or granddaughter’s life.

You may wonder why opt for pearl graduation gifts rather than say a beautiful piece of jewelry made up of diamonds, sapphires or rubies.  Well here are a few reasons why a pearl bracelet, necklace, earrings or pearl choker or pendant are such a great idea.

pearl graduation gift

They make a meaningful present, as they show to your daughter or granddaughter how proud you are of them and what they have achieved.

Pearls like other gemstones will last a lifetime, which symbolises how their education will stay with them forever.

These beautiful gemstones have become more affordable because we can now create them through specialist pearl farming methods.

Today pearl jewelry comes in a wide variety of different designs and styles and allows someone to wear them with a variety of different outfits.

As your daughter or granddaughter prepares herself for life as an adult of heading off to her first job the pearl necklace graduation gift you gave her will provide her with the confidence that she can cope with anything.

Some Great Pearl Graduation Gift Ideas

Here we have put together some suggestions to help you choose the perfect piece of pearl jewelry to present to your daughter or granddaughter on the morning of her graduation.  Also, take a look at some of the other beautiful pieces of pearl jewelry we have in our collection that would make the perfect graduation gift.

Pearl Bracelet

Choose a bracelet that comprises a single strand of either pink, lavender, white or black pearls that provide you with a more modern touch on a simple classic pearl bracelet.  Not only will this be appropriate for wearing on her graduation day, but also is something she can wear on other special occasions throughout the coming years.

pearl graduation gifts


Raindrop Pearl Earrings

You could opt to choose a pair of beautiful stud pearl earrings for your daughter or granddaughter, but why not choose something that makes more of a statement.   The button-shaped pearls in such earrings seem to shimmer and shine like raindrops on the petals of a flower.  Such earrings will add that all-important touch of glamour to your daughter or granddaughter’s graduation outfit.

Pearl Necklace And Earring Set

This timeless classic is something that will continue to go with every outfit your daughter or granddaughter pairs them with long after they have graduated.  Choose a pearl jewelry set that comprises oval shaped pearls, as these will add a little more interest to what we consider to be a simple but elegant design.  Also rather than going for white pearls instead choose a set made up of pearls in soft pink, lavender, cream or gold colours.

Pearl Pendant

These days pearl pendants are proving ever more popular as they are pieces of jewelry that can be worn whether a woman likes.  Not only do such pieces of pearl jewelry look great when teamed with a little black dress, but look just as stunning when teamed with a pair of jeans and a shirt or t-shirt.  If you can choose a pendant that combines a black Tahitian pearl with a simple setting and chain made of silver.

pearl graduation gifts

Pearl Choker

A beautiful pearl choker that measure’s only 17 inches would make the perfect pearl graduation gift.  Instead of opting for one that comprises a complete string of pearls goes for something a little more modern.  Go for a tin cup style pearl necklace that comprises say 9 beautiful pearls that are strung between a delicate silver chain.  The space between each of the pearls in such a necklace allows the beauty of these beautiful gemstones to really shine out.

Pearl Ring

If your daughter or granddaughter is someone that doesn’t like to wear too much jewelry then a ring will make the perfect graduation gift for them on such an important day in their lives.  Like other pieces of pearl jewelry there many different styles of pearl rings to choose from so finding one that suits their particular tastes and personality shouldn’t prove at all difficult.  You also have the chance to buy something a little more special such as a ring that has a beautiful black Tahitian pearl at the heart of the piece.

When you are deciding just what kind of pearl jewelry to buy your daughter or granddaughter as a graduation gift there are certain things you need to consider before you.  Below we offer some tips to help you ensure that you choose the perfect pearl graduation giftsfor what will be one of the most important days in their lives.

pearl graduation gift ideas

Tips On Buying The Perfect Pearl Graduation Gift 

Choosing The Right Pearl

You see that you have an array of different pearls to select from such as Japanese Akoya, Freshwater, Tahitian, and South Sea ones.   Also, each of these pearls is available in a variety of different pieces of pearl jewelry.  You should look at choosing a piece of pearl jewelry for your daughter or granddaughter’s graduation gift that suits your budget and their style.

Pearl Size

How big or small a pearl depends on the type of pearl it is.  Freshwater pearls tend to be the smallest and range in size from 3.0 to say 7.0mm, whereas Japanese Akoya pearls are larger and can measure anywhere from 3.0 to 9.0mm in size.  However, if you are looking for pearl graduation gifts that make a real statement then choose pieces of jewelry containing either Tahitian or South Sea pearls in their design.  These are now among some of the largest pearls you can get and can reach up to sizes of 13mm.

pearl graduation gift ideas

Pearl Colour

As you look online you see that pearls now come in an array of different colours from the traditional white, through to cream, pink, lavender, silver or black.   But most pearls these days have a hint of another colour when the light reflects of their surface, for example, a pearl necklace made up of white pearls may have a paler pink hue to them when you look at them more closely.  It is best to choose the colour of pearls that will suit your daughter or granddaughter’s complexion best.

Here at, we have a wonderful selection of different pearl jewelry that would make the perfect graduation gift for you to present to your daughter or granddaughter on such an important day in their lives.   So why not take the time to peruse our collection to find the perfect pearls f

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