MAKEUP DIY: Modern Pin-Up Makeup Tutorial by Chrisspy [VIDEO]

Pearls and pin-up girls have always gone hand-in-hand, and by far this is our favorite pinup style thus far because this pin-up doll is not only true to the pinup cat eye style, but she added a fun and contemporary update to the look. We are so excited to share with you this gorgeous makeup tutorial that has great instructions and wonderful application.

Youtube Beauty Guru, Chrisspy, showcased her skills with this easy step-by-step pinup eye makeup tutorial with fabulous technique that is so modern that it can be worn every day! read more

PEARL DIY: Pearl Encrusted Sunglasses by Mr. Kate (@mrkatedotcom)

It is NEVER too early to start thinking about summer and for those who get warm weather all year long—lucky you!

Nothing is more exhilarating than getting out in the sun, enjoying life all while being up-to-the-minute in fashion!

We are here to help you get your summer accessory wardrobe started and we have found the perfect item! We discovered this tremendous DIY video from an adorable and likeable blogger named Mr. Kate, blogger of, where she is shows us, in a fun and really upbeat way, how to make stylish pearl encrusted sunglasses!
The video demonstrates how to make the chic encrusted frames quickly and easily with very few steps and just a small list of supplies featured below: read more